Our favourite of all the celebratory weeks is here...

Our favourite week of all the celebratory weeks - ZERO WASTE WEEK! So let's take a look back at why wedding tea towels are the ultimate zero waste wedding invitations...

We all know it - weddings are expensive and with the world the way it is at the moment, to go ahead and spend your money on invites that are heading straight for the bin is just not working for anyone anymore. 

But we think we might have cracked it, the Original Wedding Tea Towel is the ultimate way to Zero Waste your wedding invitation, save the date or favour, and here's how: 

Step 1. REDUCE

Of course, there is the tea towel itself. It's not going to end up straight in landfill like most other invitations, it's something your guests can actually make use of every single day. Look at these invites just casually hanging around our couples friends kitchens:

Step 2. REUSE

The string or ribbon, snip it off and it can be reused for something else. You guests might not need it today or tomorrow but next week, they'll find the perfect use for it. I'm sure of it! 

You can reuse one of your invitations as your guests book on your wedding day, frame it and you've got yourself a gorgeous memory hanging on your wall to make you smile every day.


The boxes or envelopes you send your invitations out in can be recycled, (or reused for that matter) and if you're really on your game then you could use recycled packaging to begin with so that's double world karma points for you.

Not only doing wedding tea towels look beautiful and I'm pretty confident will be the most unique invitations your wedding guests have ever received, they also give the environment a big hug too.

Take a look at all our designs here and then feel free to get in touch if you'd like to talk over your invitations, save the dates or wedding favours.

Bye for now. 
Karen xx

Image credit - The Natural Wedding Company