PRESS: Smitten by Weddings

Another lovely blog piece on Smitten by Weddings, read the whole article about our unique invitation idea here. It's another great wedding blog, thanks for the add guys. Here's what they had to say;

I am looooving these wedding tea towel invitations! With their different designs and colours, you will be sure to fall in love with them as much as I have. If not going for the classic, you can have a bespoke design. You can have one for your day guests, one for the evening… followed by a thank -you tea towel. While your family and friends are going ‘Ooh-la-la’ over this gorgeous concept and getting excited for your wedding… you can proudly say you have done something environmentally friendly too. One thing I adore so much about them is that they are ultra unique as well as a lovely keepsake for your guests. Go and check outThe Original Wedding Tea Towels website… I guarantee, once you have entered, you can’t leave…
